Did You Notice Any Difference From “Mobilegeddon”

It’s been a little more than 8 days since Google started rolling out the update that some sites are calling “Mobilegeddon” so what has happened?

A few days ago Searchmetrics posted a study of the winners and losers, the biggest winners were TV Troupes and Entertainment Tonight. While the biggest losers were Reddit and NBC Sports. However, the interesting thing is there wasn’t a big movement like most people expected.

In a follow up article Search Engine Land they stated that the biggest change was on Wednesday but even that wasn’t huge compared to updates of the past.


mobilegeddon results

So the real question is…

Does It Matter If My Website Is Mobile Friendly?

While we don’t work at Google, and any guess we make would be just that it seems apparent that Google will move more an more towards favoring mobile friendly websites. It may not happen today or tomorrow but it most likely is coming.

However, let’s step back for a minute and speculate that a change that large is a year or two away.

The question still stands, do I need a mobile friendly website? We would say for 99 out of 100 businesses, YES, you should and here is why.

  1. More than likely your customers are searching for businesses just like yours on their mobile device. If they have a poor experience they will simply hit the back button and pick the next site in Google.
  2. Customers on mobile devices are typically closer to purchasing a product, meaning those leads will be hotter leads than those on a desktop that are searching around doing a bunch of research.
  3. Each year the number of people searching on a mobile device is going up while the number searching on a desktop is going down. By not being mobile optimized you are decreasing the number of people that will stay on your website long enough to decide to contact you and buy from you.

Ultimately you need to decide if it’s worth shutting out a portion of people that could turn into customers for you.

What Do I Do Next?

You owe it to yourself to at least know where you are currently.

mobile-friendly-websiteThe first thing you need to do is know if your site is mobile friendly, there are two checks you should do to find out.

Pull out your mobile phone and visit your website. Is it easy to navigate and does it load fast enough that you’d wait for it if it wasn’t your site?

Next go to Google’s Mobile Friendly Test and put in your website. Do you pass or fail?

The great thing is if you do fail or don’t get a great grade then they will tell you what needs to be changed.

If you need help or your website isn’t mobile friendly contact us today to discuss how easily this can be fixed without completely rebuilding your website.

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